Food Safety and Quality in Europe

Dissemination Activities

Dissemination activity relied both to internal dissemination (within the consortium) and dissemination to stakeholders. Internally, PROMISE was very active in Early Stage Researcher (ESR) exchange and exchange of Senior Researchers (SR). Whereas the ESR exchange fostered the integration of young phD into the consortium and facilitated the exchange of expertise, the SR exchange helped in managing the project, writing up papers, deliverables and guidelines. Furthermore PROMISE bridged the discrepancies in technical abilities by a Technical Training and Workshop Tour (TTWT). All contents developed was made accessible to the consortium through the PROMISE academy that ensured the exploitation and dissemination of research results beyond the funding period.
Externally, dissemination of results to stakeholders was fueled by an enormous publication activity already within the timespan of the project. By the end of the project (2014), PROMISE has already published 25 papers mostly in high profile journals and another 16 publications are either in review or in preparation. Most important to us was the information of the local stakeholders in the EU member states. To reach this ambitious goal, PROMISE set up a new TRAIN the TRAINER/TRAINEE concept endorsed by a massive involvement of “endusers” such food enterprises and public health authorities. PROMISE organized a JOINT CONFERENCE with a relevant COST funded expert network termed BacFoodNet inspired by the consideration that BAcFoodNet people are working on issue related to PROMISE research. This conference was an outstanding success through the participation of EFSA and WHO experts, and broadcasted through national radio and TV stations. The food business operations (FBO) and the trans-european science community were informed at stakeholder meetings. To foster communication of results at national level, an impressive number of regional workshops reached more than 1100 experts in all members states participating to PROMISE.

PROMISE Stakeholders